Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hanging on for Dear Life!

Last Sunday, our pastor used this as a sermon illustration, and it really clicked for me. He was walking in the park, and as usual, saw several people walking or jogging their dogs. But upon rounding the bend, he came upon two dogs jogging a woman. Each dog probably weighed maybe 40 pounds, but between the two of them, she was simply hanging on for dear life!

That's me. Hanging on for dear life. No, there's nothing major, just minor inconveniences, not even one particular problem I can put my finger on, but combined... I had allowed myself to be overwhelmed.

Come to the water. The Living Water. What made those dogs stop in their tracks, giving their caregiver much-needed respite? Access to the lake, where they lapped up the water as if they hadn't had a sip in days. When the evils of this world try taking you for a ride, come to the water, and drink deeply of the knowledge that He is in charge and He will not forsake you. He will lead you and provide for you. He loves you. Always.

Come to the water and rest.

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