Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Sales (3/22)

Another so-so week, but there are a few things I'm planning on getting. After all, I've got some Register Rewards and Extra Care Bucks that I need to use before they expire! Check out the links on my blog for some great sites that list even more deals. What I'm doing is listing the deals I am considering for myself. *Note - My grocery store ads run from Wednesday-Tuesday, so I will post my grocery lists on Wednesday.

CVS (You've got to have a CVS card to get the deals)
Crest Pro Health Enamel Care (earn $1.00) It's on sale for $3.49 - receive $3.49 ECB (limit 1.) Use the $1/1 coupon from the 3-1 insert to earn a dollar!

CVS-brand Vitamin D, 400mg, 100 ct (FREE) It's on sale for $2.99 - receive $2.99 ECB (limit 1.) Apparently there are occasionally coupons printing for this at the scanner in the center of the store that would make this a money-maker. Even without a coupon, though, it's a way to roll any ECBs you have that are about to expire.

Stride Gum (3/$0.37) There's an in-ad coupon that makes them $0.79 each. Use the $2/3 coupon from the 3-22 insert to make them 3/$0.37

Hunts Tomato Sauce ($0.39) There's an in-ad coupon that makes them $0.39 each. You can also submit for ESR Rebate #29 (Buy $10, get $5 back.)

Pledge Fabric Sweeper ($0.50 each) They're on sale 2/$7.00. Use 2 printable coupons HERE to pay $3 for both. Then submit for the Easy Saver Rebate (#23) to get another $2 back ($2.20 if you put it on a gift card!)

Nature's Source (Toilet) Cleaner ($1.00 each) They're on sale 2/$6.00. Use two $1/1 coupons from the 3-1 insert to pay $4 for both. Then submit for the Easy Saver Rebate (#23) to get another $2 back ($2.20 if you put it on a gift card!) I'm only interested in the toilet cleaner, but I'm not sure if it is included in the rebate or not. Still working on that. But the other three cleaners are included if you are interested in those.

Kelloggs Cereal ($1.00). It's on sale 4/$10 - earn $2 RR. Use four of the $1/1 coupons from the 2-22 insert.

Tums Dual action ($1.99) They're on sale for $7.99 - earn $3 RR. Use the $3/1 coupon from the April All You or the 3-22 insert.

Pepsi 12-packs (4/$10.92) They're on sale 3/$10.92. There's an in-ad coupon for buy 3, get one free. There are other coupons out there that make this an even better deal, but I don't have any of those. Therefore, the best I can do is 4/$10.92. That's less than $0.23/can, so it's an okay price. Why can't I ever find any deals on Coke products?

Advanced Memory Formula 45 ct soft gels (FREE) It's on sale for $19.99. Apply for the Easy Saver Rebate to make this free. This is a way to roll any Register Rewards you may have that are about to expire.

Extra Strength Headache Relief 20ct gel (FREE) It's on sale for $2.99. Apply for the Easy Saver Rebate to make this free. This is a way to roll any Register Rewards you may have that are about to expire.

Did I mention that this was a sad week for deals? I can't even find chocolate that's worth the trouble of listing! There are lots of fancy chocolates and chocolate bunnies for Easter, but not in my price range. If you want the expensive chocolate, go ahead and look, but it's too rich for my blood!

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